Welcome, everyone! This is our first every blog post, and we are glad you are here! What is Science 20/20, you might ask? The purpose of Science 20/20: Bringing Language Learners into Focus Through Community, School, University Partnership is to develop a substantive, coherent, and sustainable professional development model that fosters ambitious and equitable science and language teaching practices for preservice and inservice elementary teachers, school leaders, and families that supports the academic success of English learners (ELs) in the elementary grades.

Why a Website?
This website was created as an openly-accessible platform to provide classroom research on evidence-based practices, protocols for facilitating communication with parents of ELs, professional development resources associated with the project, video-based examples of instruction, lesson plans and assessment tools that incorporate strategies for engaging ELs in scientific discourse and practices. We envision this platform to be openly accessible for use in teacher preparation, professional development, teaching ELs (science and engineering, in particular), collaborating with community members and organizations, etc.
You can also follow us on Twitter (@science2020k6)! We tweet project updates and share information about the teachers and students with whom we work! If you are doing awesome work in the areas of language learning and science at the elementary level, let us know! We'll share your story on our Twitter feed!
Support for Your Teaching and Learning Journey
It is our hope that while visiting the website you will find artifacts to address the following areas:
Equitable and up-to-date science and language teaching practices that contribute to ELs’ academic success.
Professional development experiences to support science and language learning strategies in the classroom.
Ideas to develop relationships among education partners, including teachers, administrators, and family members.
Ways to improve English learner student participation in school, achievement, and rates of English language proficiency.
Evidence-based practices that leverage family and community assets in linguistically rich scientific and engineering practices.
Family engagement ideas to support the academic success of their children as well as college readiness and preparation for STEM careers.

More to Come
While there are a number of resources and artifacts currently available, we are continuously updating and adding more content. As resources become available, they will be posted immediately, so check back often!
Thank you!
Thank you for visiting and exploring our website! If you have any immediate questions, you are welcome to contact our project coordinator, May Lee, at mhl11@psu.edu